Greetings and God Bless You,

“If one is shielded from all possibility of wrongdoing and is never required to make moral choices he cannot develop strong character.” 

– A.F. Gray, Christian Theology, Volume 2 

During the upcoming year, I have committed to reading some of the works of A.F. Gray. I do so for several reasons. In 2037—some 13 years from now—we will be celebrating Warner’s Centennial anniversary since it was founded in 1937. Secondly, Warner Pacific University and its board of trustees, have decidedly purposed to reclaim its missional identity in alignment with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) in holding fast to its identity as a Christ-centered university. Last, but certainly not least, Gray’s formula- tion of character is the intrinsic work of a Christian university as students go on to acquire the requisite credentials and competence to engage in civic capacities, yet with a sacred purpose.

To further mark this commitment the university is doing several things:

  1. We are restoring full membership within the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU where the former president of Warner University (one of 4 CHOG universities and located in Florida), Dr. David Hoag, will now serve as president over 185 institutions which we will proudly join. 
  2. We are partnering with Mid-American Christian University (MACU), another sister CHOG universi- ty, to offer Christian certificates, courses and degrees to our students until Warner Pacific University replenishes and supplements its own with Christ-centered and mission-aligned faculty, staff and a vibrant curriculum. 
  3. We are welcoming members of the CHOG movement-whether traditional, non-traditional, adult and graduate students to join our inclusive group of students that are present at the university to ensure the institution’s sustainability as it approaches the centennial mark. 
  4. We are embarking upon a new Strategic Campaign and Comprehensive Campaign to ensure the long-term viability of Warner Pacific University, which above all, is to be a Christ-centered though diverse university located in the Pacific Northwest. 

We invite each of you, our faithful partners, to join us in this work as we seek to discern the will of the Lord in this most precious season of restoration and progress at Warner Pacific University. I ask that each of you also join me in faithful meditation of Ezekiel chapter 36 as we look to the Lord and what he wills at Warner Pacific University. 

Bless you this fall! 

Brian L. Johnson, Ph.D.
Warner Pacific University