Master of Business Administration 4+1 (MBA)

Get a head start on your business career, by earning two business degrees from WPU in 5 years. Warner...

From Alaska’s Wilderness to the World of Education: Doug Hamilton ‘65 and His Journey Through Warner

…the fall semester was already underway. At Warner, Doug discovered his passion for reading and writing and decided to major in language arts. Additionally, he received a minor in speech…

How to Know if a Christian College is Right for You

College can be one of the most formative times of your life. You learn about yourself, discover new passions, and shape your future career. It’s a big deal! But change…

WP Alum Shares Insights into Best Selling Novel and New Movie: The Shack

…to explore human questions; about faith, God, and what it means to be human beings in a broken world. Good creative work opens up more space than it uses,” explains…

December President’s Message

…Our students are the best – we are so proud of them! In so many ways, Christmas is like a commencement…when our Savior was born in the manger, so commenced…

Students’ Educational Path Rooted in his Christ-Centered Upbringing

The Christ-centered community and being able to build connections with people are among Richie Bailey’s favorite aspects of being student Warner Pacific University. “I believe the community, and how close-knit…

Building Bridges Across Faiths

…Daniel’s story,” Spooner said. “It was really fun. We were on lunch break and the lions would come and look at us. They would come right up to the glass.”…

Ministry Corner

…The Unity Service in McGuire Auditorium. Pastor Amanda Colfax of Revival Church in Salem Oregon was our guest speaker. Our reputational value is rising in our community as we acknowledge…

Remembering Coach Bernie Fagan – a WPU Legend

Bernie Fagan was a true expert with a soccer ball, but he was equally an expert with people, too. Throughout his life, he combined these two impressive skills to create…

Caring for Our World: WPU Helps Connect Refugees to Services

…resource fair held on our campus provided avenues for refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient, thriving members of their new communities. Through a combination of attendees and vendors, more than…

Creating Strong Roots for the Next Generation

…we are all hopefully lucky to come across at some point throughout our lives. Someone who helps others at every step, in both varied and supportive ways. Today, we are…

Scholarships Change Lives: Meet Khanh Hoang, Nursing Student and Mother

As a mother of two very young children, Khanh Hoang thought her dream of becoming a nurse would be impossible. Then she won a scholarship to finish her degree at…