Gimena Olguin, Arnie Kainu, Kristi Gifford, Ben Bohannon, Emily Potts, Liz Bohannon, Luwam Kahassay, Carolyn Walker, Anthony Sims
On April 29, two Warner Pacific seniors were presented with the first Social Entrepreneurship (SE) Capstone Project awards.
During their senior year, students in the SE program identify a need within the community and create a small business to meet that need. This is their Capstone Project.
Students presenting Capstone Projects this year included:
- Luwam Kahassay: Art Cart, helping people engage their creative side
- Anthony Sims: KooksLife, using business strategies to help skateboarders (apparel)
- Gimena Olguin: UniME, United Minority Entrepreneurs
- Kristi Gifford, GU Fitness Wear, serving women 18 to 50 years of age to live motivated and active lives
- Emily Potts: VEAS, using photography to help people appreciate the complexities of life
The business plans for each Capstone Project were judged by Arnie Kainu, President and CEO of NTT Centerstance; Carolyn Walker, Partner at Stoel Rives LLP and practicing in the Labor and Employment group; and Ben and Liz Bohannon, entrepreneurs and owners of Sseko Designs, both of whom were recently featured on “Shark Tank.”

Dr. Andrea Cook, Warner Pacific President, with Anthony Sims, Gimena Olguin, and SE professor Dr. Roger Martin
Presented with first place and cash award of $5,000 was Gimena Olguin; second place and cash award of $3,000 went to Anthony Sims. The cash awards will help both graduating seniors fund their business plans and become real-world social entrepreneurs.