Dear WPU Community,
Shemeka and I want to take a few moments to express Christmas greetings to you – our Warner Pacific family.
What an incredible year 2023 has been for our learning community! From visiting with our Church of God family at the national convention this summer; to welcoming our new Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Cecelia Monto; to earning a federal designation as an Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander-Serving Institution; to receiving a historic first for Oregon in the form of a $3 Million grant from the U.S. Department of Education; to beginning our new strategic plan as a university…God is so good!
Our best accomplishment – always – has nothing to do with administrative gains and everything to do with the lives we change by leaning into this mission of learning, service, and faith. I can’t tell you what it means to personally shake every student’s hand as they walk across the graduation stage. I can’t tell you what it means to look into the eyes of their family members and see the pride and joy – to know how hard each student has worked and to know that the Lord has an incredible plan He is going to unfold in each and every story. Our students are the best – we are so proud of them!
In so many ways, Christmas is like a commencement…when our Savior was born in the manger, so commenced HOPE for all of mankind. We are humbled and honored to play a role in that continued story of hope at Warner Pacific University. We are rejoicing this season in the love that leads us to help our students lead lives With Purpose, as imbued in the WP that you see in our logo.
Shemeka and I are looking forward to a warm gathering with our sons just home from college, many excellent dishes shared with our relatives, and many heartfelt moments that this time of year seems to so generously offer. I know for some, the holidays also come with some difficulties as we remember those who have gone on to be with the Lord, or hardships are just plain in starker relief during a merry season. Isn’t it a blessing to know that God sees us all, loves us all, and is faithful to His children no matter what kind of season of life you my find yourself in?
My prayer for you all is this:
That God will make manifest the Christmas miracle in your heart, wherever you are at, however you celebrate, and whatever you may be facing.
That His gift may fill you with hope, joy and love…so much so that it shines out and lights the way for all in your path.
That Christmas brings the most profound sense of Peace to you and your family.
That we may all be blessed in 2024 with a deep well of courage, optimism and wisdom to share the Good News of our Lord continuously and faithfully.
Merry Christmas!!!