Recently, I have been meditating on a quote from the Late Dr. Myles Munroe. He stated, “Your future isn’t in front of you, it is inside of you.” This statement stretches and challenges certain mindsets, because God gives us everything we need in the form of a seed. That seed is cultivated by the decisions we make on a daily basis. There is another quote that says, “When you were born, you look like your parents, but when you die, you look like your decisions”.  Both statements cause me to reflect. During this season, as we celebrate the life of Jesus, although historically, we understand it is not his actual birthday, His story lends us lessons that are life changing.  

Matthew Chapter 2 tells us that after Jesus was born, King Herod became very insecure and felt that his throne would be threatened by this new king. He inquires about the birth of the child. The chief priests and teachers of the law refer to the prophecy that was written by the prophet in Micah 5:2, which is repeated in Matthew 2:6 “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.” In other words, at his time of birth, Jesus was located in Bethlehem in Judea.

Herod secretly met with and sent the Wise Men or Magi to find Jesus and asked them to report to him after finding Jesus so that he could “worship” him as well.  After they found Jesus, worshipped and gave gifts, they were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod. (THEREFORE, THEY WENT ANOTHER WAY) 

This action by the Wise Men illustrates the power of decision making. This act of obedience to God’s instructions set off a chain of events that preserved the fulfillment of prophecy and the promise of Jesus. Many times, we can receive a promise or a blessing from God but in order to keep and maintain it, we must be obedient. Life happens to us all. It is important to be flexible and pliable when there are unplanned events that oppose your purpose or assignment. Consequently,  unforeseen events may cause you to have to take another route. Though it may be inconvenient, takes longer, or requires more resources, the truth is you will ultimately get to where you need to be. Joseph was told to take his family to Egypt because of Herod’s wrath.  In Matthew 2:15 the prophecy was fulfilled from Hosea 11:1, “Out of Egypt I called my son”.  Jesus was able to fulfill his assignment because of the decision of others to walk in obedience, and to be flexible when life happened. As a result, we are able to worship Him with our lifestyle by making the decision to follow Him, thus fulfilling our kingdom purpose in the Earth. I will close with this excerpt from one of my favorite hymns that encourages my soul, especially when life gets bumpy. “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know who holds my future. Life is worth living just because He lives.

Blessings to all!