Coach Frank Johnson
In late July, Jamie Joss, former Athletics Director, left Warner Pacific to assume the role of Athletics Director at Davis & Elkins College in West Virginia.
Wrestling Head Coach Frank Johnson has stepped in to head the College’s Knights Athletics Department on an interim basis. Johnson will be joined by Matt Gregg (Head Women’s Basketball Coach and Assistant Athletics Director) and Cody Harrod (Sports Information Director) who will each assume additional interim duties in providing leadership and administrative support for the athletics programs at Warner Pacific.
Coach Johnson joined the College in January 2014 to lead the new wrestling program, now entering its second year. He is committed to not only living out the College’s Christ-centered mission, but providing opportunities for our student-athletes to learn and grow with graduation as the ultimate goal.
Warner Pacific has 13 intercollegiate teams. Coach Johnson will continue in his duties as head wrestling coach while he provides administrative support and oversight for the other sports teams.
Knights Soccer and Volleyball teams began their seasons on August 21.
Learn more about the teams and other Knights news at wpcknights.com.