Flourish article in CCCU by Dr. CookPresident Andrea P. Cook has written a thought provoking article for the fall 2013 issue of CCCU Advance. The piece focuses on the ways in which Christian colleges are poised to respond to and meet the needs of the more diverse generation of students who are now entering higher education.

Jesus said the kingdom of God is “like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade” (Mark 4:31-32). I’ve been struck that the most common images Jesus used to describe life in the kingdom of God were things that grow. When you drop a mustard seed into the ground, it is nearly impossible to see. If it is in your pocket, it may be impossible to find. How could something so small become so impactful? Jesus is challenging his followers to remember that the kingdom of God requires initiative and time. In due time, all will see the seemingly insignificant flourish!

Read the entire article here

The CCCU Advance is the magazine of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. Published in the spring and fall of each year, the CCCU Advance covers the news and people of Christ-centered higher education