Register for an Exam

Exams are a great strategy to earn credit if you are comfortable with standardized exams and have prior knowledge...

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681, et seq., and the Violence Against Women...

Title IX Policies and Procedures

Student Rights

Individuals making a complaint (“Complainant”) and individuals responding to a complaint (“Respondent”) each have rights throughout the...

Presidential Search Commences

…Board has selected an executive search firm and a Presidential Search Committee to lead the confidential process of searching for and recommending a finalist to the Board of Trustees later…


Our practical approach to the liberal arts invites you to seek answers to the difficult questions that affect so...

Federal Stafford Loans FAFSA Apply online

Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans are federal student loans offered by...

February 2023 WPU Transforms

and Clackamas High School. Feedback on the day was consistently positive, with 100% of participating counselors indicating the day was an “excellent” experience and they unanimously indicated that after Counselors’…

External Scholarship Opportunities

There are many funding options available to students who wish to pursue a degree. The following links will take...

WPU Scholarships

Scholarships for Traditional Undergraduate Students: To qualify for these scholarships, students must be admitted to the traditional undergraduate program,...

Course Policies
Class Attendance

The student is assumed to be attending all classes for which he/she is registered. A student is...

Our History
The 1930s

September 1935: the motion was passed to establish the College (Pacific Bible College). There had been...