In the ever-evolving tapestry of life, our alumni continually carve unique paths, and Gene Maynard is no exception. A distinguished member of the class of 1979, Gene has woven a story of spiritual exploration, pastoral leadership, and profound transformation. We are delighted to share his inspiring journey from a Warner Pacific graduate to a pastor, teacher, and now, a published author.  

Gene initially set out on a pastoral path after leaving Warner Pacific, but his vision for ministry soon expanded beyond the pulpit. Influenced by mentors at Warner like Dr. Turnbull, Gene embraced a calling to write and teach, setting the stage for a multifaceted career that combined leadership roles with a commitment to education. 

During his time at Warner, Gene was actively involved in student leadership, serving as the sophomore class president and student body life director. His engagement extended to the sports field, where he played on intramural basketball and baseball teams, showcasing the diverse interests that would shape his future endeavors. 

After graduating from Warner Pacific, Gene pursued a master’s in divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in 1985 and later earned a Doctor of Ministry in Theology/Spiritual Formation from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1998. These academic pursuits were interspersed with a pivotal period in Richmond, Indiana, studying under Elton Trueblood, who encouraged Gene to delve into the world of writing. 

Since then, Gene has served as a pastor in various churches, from rural Iowa to bustling Washington, D.C., and the 7th largest church in Canada. Since 2006, he has been shepherding a spiritual formation church near Sacramento, CA. His commitment to education led him to teach at Christian universities in northern California, and he currently serves as the director of the Doctor of Ministry degree program in spiritual formation and leadership at Epic Bible College and Graduate School in Sacramento. 

Inspiration often strikes unexpectedly, and for Gene, it came during conversations with young adults in Canada. Their spiritual hunger and search for a deeper connection with God ignited a passion in Gene to assist others on a similar journey. The result? His first book, “Trekking – A Guidebook to Spiritual Transformation,” which draws on ancient contemplative Christian spirituality to offer transformative concepts and practices. 

The book has received attention not only within Christian circles but also beyond. The New Yorker is set to publish a review, acknowledging the profound impact of personal spiritual evolution in our rapidly changing world. 

Gene reflects on his lifelong journey, acknowledging the transformative power of faith. As a pastor, teacher, and now a grandparent, he recognizes that faith in Jesus has been the force rebirthing and restoring him. His advice to current WPU students reflects this transformative ethos: “Do a deep dive.” In a world saturated with superficiality, Gene encourages a profound exploration of one’s faith, promising a life-altering relationship with Jesus. 

In closing, Gene leaves us with a powerful message: “There is a path that leads to a more profound, life-altering relationship with Jesus.” His life story is a testament to the possibilities that unfold when we embrace a deeper, richer life of intimacy with God. May Gene Maynard’s journey inspire us all to embark on our own paths of spiritual transformation.